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2009 Rain-Flo SERIES 1100 MEDIA FILTERS Tank
$6,000 USD
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Detailed Specifications
Series 1100 Stainless Steel Media Filters-363 Dual Tank with Automatic Backflush Alextronix F3AC/DC/DCL With Flow-Guard’s filters
a fully programmable
solid-state controller provided. Backwash cycles may be initiated
manually or automatically by pressure differential or timed
Seller Comments
Used in large trickle irrigation for truck crops.
Flow-Guard Media Filters provide superior filtration in any
irrigation application. Utilizing three-dimensional filtration
through a media bed with large surface area has proven
to be the most effective and reliable way to remove
both organic and inorganic contaminant loads from your
irrigation source water. So whether you’re pumping surface
water or ground water, Flow-Guard Media Filters will help
insure years of efficient trouble-free irrigation.
- Will consider serious offers -
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