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May 06, 2022

How Much Does a Case IH Combine Cost?

You’re interested in buying a combine, but it seems so expensive, even for a lower-end machine. There’s no doubt a combine is a costly investment. How are you sure you’re getting the best deal for the price you’re paying? To get the most out of your money, there are used combines for sale that give you the same results at a fraction of the cost.

The average combine harvester price in the USA varies on factors like age and add-ons, but Machinery Pete will ensure you get the best price for a reliable harvester machine. Let’s look at the different pricing you’ll find with combines in the United States. 

How Much is an Average Combine?

Ultimately, no matter if you choose to buy a new or used combine, the prices are an important deciding factor in the machine you purchase. While there’s differences in brands, it’s understandable that price can stop you from purchasing a combine with all of the bells and whistles and consider more modest offerings. The average cost for a combine is wide-ranging depending on what sizes, amount of yield, and other amenities you’re looking for in a machine.

However, all things considered, like used and new machines, trends we’ve been noticing in our Machinery Pete marketplace are the average combine can cost anywhere from $6,000 to $450,000 for used and $330,000 to $500,000 for new. That price range might seem vast, but it’s not insignificant that some used combines can be priced much lower than new ones. With that in mind, the average used combine is around $122,000. 

Of course, buying new will still cost more than that, even for the lower-end models. So new combines can be expensive, but how much do they actually cost?

How Much Does a Brand New Combine Cost from Case IH?

Buying a brand new Case IH combine can be expensive, even without the add-on packages available. The list price for new, base model Case IH combines with no add-ons ranges from $330,000 to $487,000. Farmers may be looking at $500,000 - $600,000 for a combine with add-on features. Not only that, but the corn and soybean header attachments you'll need for harvest are typically not included in that pricing. Those could cost an additional $50,000 to $100,000. That means if you want a fully decked-out combine with everything you need, you can spend upwards of $700,000 for a new machine.

But why would a farmer buy a new combine if there are cheaper used alternatives?

Several factors, including the worry of maintenance or advancements in technology, influence farmers’ decision with combine machinery purchases. All farmers want to ensure their equipment doesn’t break down during crucial moments of the harvesting season. Having a reliable combine can drastically impact whether or not crops are harvested in time, and most don’t want to take their chances with a machine they’re unsure has been well maintained.

However, it’s possible to get a reliable used combine. What’s the price difference between used and new and is it worth it? Machinery Pete can help find a used combine that meets your needs for a fraction of the price of a new combine. 

How Much Does a Used Combine Cost?

A used combine can be purchased for as low as $5,000 - $6,000 for older machines with higher machine hours. A used 2021 model, for comparison, will be an average of around $450,000. Depending on your budget, you can get a relatively new combine with lower machine hours for between $100,000 and $200,000. Compared to the prices of a new Case IH combine with add-ons, these prices are incredibly appealing. 

A used combine, like any other car or piece of machinery, may provide just as much use and value if you take your time and shop wisely. The good news is, despite worries, you can find well-maintained and gently used combines for less than the newer alternatives. This makes the investment worthwhile, even when crop prices fluctuate. The cost of a used combine is determined by a variety of factors, including make and model, machine hours, and age. 

Lower prices aren’t the only benefit of used combines. Other benefits include:

  • Reducing the total cost of ownership by cutting the initial payment down significantly, which makes any maintenance costs more affordable.
  • Ease of operation without having to train on any new technologies that could be unfamiliar.
  • Higher resale value compared to selling a new model that has depreciated quickly.
  • Wiser use of resources to have the right machine for a specific project.

You can find a Case IH combine for sale at Machinery Pete, and we guarantee you’ll get the best price for a quality used machine.

Find the Best Used Farm Equipment

Machinery Pete has earned a trusted brand in farm equipment since its founding in 1989 by Greg Peterson. At Machinery Pete, we can help you find reliable used farm equipment through our marketplace to ensure you get the equipment best suited for your needs at a price that doesn’t break the bank. With clear and accessible pricing, our revolutionary search features make it simple and quick to locate precisely what you're searching for. To find the best, used Case IH and other name brand combines, visit our website today!